Why TA?

Why counselling or psychotherapy, some people ask. A counsellor or psychotherapist is someone whose task is to help you find new, more helpful ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. The fact is, we all have a framed view of ourselves, others, and the world around us in a particular, but limited way. Do I think about myself as lovable or as a failure? Are other people friendly and trustworthy or selfish and dishonest? And what about the world? Is it a good place or bad place? 

If anxiety, depression, emotional instability, relationship or work-related problems are your constant companions, it is probably a good time re-examine your framework. The bad news is that it’s difficult. The good news is that it is an invitation to grow as a person. In all cases, addressing challenging situations changes us as human beings. 

What should you expect from a counselling or therapy session? The key difference between a counseling or therapeutic relationship and any other relationship, is that both persons are focused on the client. My overall task as a therapist is to increase your understanding of yourself and your situation so that you can find resources to change your life; yours—to engage actively and honestly.

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